I have a monthly Siggy Challenge that I do at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio. I typically provide a template and a goal for each. The one above is the on I’m using for the December 2020 challenge.

I’ve had a couple of people ask me how to change the colors on the text to match their siggy. It took me a minute or two, but I did figure it out. It’s not an issue with Photoshop users, they can just change the Gradient Layer style. However, changing the colors of a style in PSE is not available to the user. I’ve found a way to do it by creating a colorless style and then clipping a Fill Layer to the text. Check out my YouTube video showing you how to do this then download my style here – Glossy Style (240 downloads ) .

If you have any questions, sent me an email using my contact form.


8 thoughts on “Creating a Glossy Text Style in PSE”

      1. Had the UTC set wrong … OOPS. Unfortunately, the old comments will retain the old date, but the new ones seem to be ok. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. HUGS!!!

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